
obostore Nokia Disrupt Meltemi System Development

cell phone accessories
According to PConline information ,there are a lot of information sources that except Symbian and MeeGo, Nokia is also researched and developed the Meltemi system to fight the cheap Android mobile phone . Everyone also believe that Nokia also hope that it will be to create more high quality and inexpensive.But now according to the latest news , Nokia intends to break the Meltemi system research and development.
According to informed information , the Meltemi system based Linux was scheduled to launch in the middle of July, but perhaps because of Nokia self control cost consideration, the plan development was eventually discontinued.

Insiders speculated , Microsoft is also possible the pusher that discontinued this system development .On one hand , Microsoft may require Nokia to concentrate on research and development Microsoft Windows Phone system of the mobile phone . On the other hand, Microsoft may also promised to support energetically Nokia launched cheap Windows mobile Phone that face to low-cost market .This is perhaps the Microsoft give Nokia a reassurance , which let Nokia can firmly take the manufacture of Windows Phone mobile phone this route.

